Статья 15117

Title of the article



Akimov Alexander Aleksandrovich, Director general, JSC “Research Institute of Mechatronic Devices” (44 Karakozova street, Penza, Russia), akimers@mail.ru

Index UDK





Background. Unlike the pre-existing directive planning and program-targeted planning, strategic planning is based on the choice of management not so much of directive methods as the redistribution of resources to change the development trends of the control object, as well as to change the laws of development of the control object, which is the advantage of using strategic planning at defense industry enterprises.
Materials and methods. A strategic analysis is carried out at defense in ustry enterprises in the process of strategic goals setting. Herewith, various sorts of strategic information are accumulated. This information can be used to make forecasts and analyze trends of external factors, to assess the strategic potential of enterprises and their competitiveness. One of the methods for processing strategic information is SWOT analysis used in the article.
Results. The article presents an example of SWOT analysis that allows not only to assess the current state of company’s strategic positions in the sector, but also to analyze economic activities in perspective.
Conclusions. Firstly, being the most globally wide-spread method for organizing management activities, strategic planning is most suitable for the management of defense industry enterprises. Secondly, budgetary strategic planning is a kind of strategic planning, most often used during financial crises. Thirdly, long-term, mediumterm and short-term types of strategic planning are characterized by both general conditions of their implementation and individual ones, specific for each of these types.

Key words

enterprise of the defense-industrial sector, defense-industrial sector, strategic planning, strategic target, strategic analysis

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Дата создания: 28.08.2017 09:48
Дата обновления: 29.08.2017 09:18